Empowering Academic Stakeholders through Distributive Leadership


  • Cris T. Zita LPT MAEd SMRIEdr Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial National High School, Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas, Philippines.




Decentralized, Collaborative, Distributive, Monitoring and Evaluation, Trust


The Philippine educational system has engaged into an intensive strategic collaborative pedagogical setting in which education is not only mobilized by educators and school administrators; but more so with the participation of all concerned sectors of society. Everyone is an academic stakeholder par excellence – family, community, local government units, religious sectors, and private industry partners. Moreover, the focus of this present paper is to put forward a discursive analysis among various academic stakeholders into a strategic leadership framework as contextualized into local academic school setup. The primary argument of this paper is that constructivist education at least in the Philippine context is interpretatively structured into a distributive type of academic leadership wherein leadership is primarily decentralized yet collaboratively distributed among primary and secondary stakeholders. Hence, this study is advancing a principle of “distributive leadership through stakeholder mobilization”.




How to Cite

MAEd SMRIEdr, C. T. Z. L. (2020). Empowering Academic Stakeholders through Distributive Leadership. Instabright International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(2), 105–109. https://doi.org/10.52877/instabright.002.02.0005