Instabright International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research <p>Instabright International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research is an open-access peer-reviewed international scholarly journal focusing on the fields of Education, Humanities, Social Sciences, Medicine, Science, Engineering, Tourism, Hospitality and Management, Linguistics, Information and Communication Technology, Business and others.</p> <p><br />This journal aims to provide wider access to new researches in various disciplines of study to better understand the culture, education, social relations, business flows, tourism status, languages around the world, information technology and even paramedical information that would definitely make a brighter changes to the world.</p> <p>IIJMR is envisioned to promote innovative ideas through scholarly articles to be published. It is freely accessible for everyone around the world, thus it will be of significant use to all researchers out there.</p> en-US (Alvin B. Punongbayan, PhD, PDSTML) (Muhammad Sohail) Sun, 17 Nov 2024 11:38:06 +0000 OJS 60 Electronic Game Based Learning: An Interactive Tool to Enhance Students’ Performance in General Mathematics <p>This paper aims to determine the performance of Grade 11 TVL students in General Mathematics through the use of Electronic Game Based Learning as an interactive tool. The researcher hopes to delineate the ways on how to bridge the learning gaps experienced by the TVL students and General Mathematics. Using the descriptive method of research with the questionnaire as the main tool in gathering the data, it is thought to be the most suitable for the purpose of showing evidence concerning the existing current condition by describing the responses of the subject under the study. The result reveals that TVL students found Functions and their graphs as the most difficult component of the learning competencies in General Mathematics. The result suggests that effective implementation of the Game Based Learning will enhance the performance of Grade 11 students in the different learning competencies in General Mathematics. Furthermore, the research serves as a reflective reference among SHS teachers to constantly re-evaluate and assess the performance of the TVL students in General Mathematics.</p> Marites H. Lalogo Copyright (c) 2024 Marites H. Lalogo Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Strategies, Factors and Challenges in Core Science Subject Delivery at Cuenca Senior High School <p>This study aims to identify the strategies, factors, and challenges in delivering core science subjects through quantitative non-experimental research. Using a random sampling technique, data were collected from 284 respondents via a Google Form questionnaire. The findings indicate that the most used teaching strategy among senior high school science teachers is the lecture method, primarily utilizing PowerPoint slides. This is followed by project-based learning through performance tasks and lectures that incorporate ICT tools, such as e-games and quizzes. Key factors influencing science literacy include students’ prior knowledge, focus, and perceptions of the topic. The goal of this study is to develop a project to enhance core science literacy instruction within the institution. To enhance student performance, a plan of action is proposed that employs a metacognitive strategy—specifically, a contextualized or personalized scientific dictionary—to develop scientific literacy.</p> Nerrisa E. Manila Copyright (c) 2024 Nerrisa E. Manila Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 “Roses, Bruises, Wholeness” Development and Implementation of a Psychological Healing Program on Depression of Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence <p>The study aimed to develop and implement an intervention program for the psychological healing of depression of women victims of intimate partner violence. To lay the groundwork and come up with the data needed to develop an intervention program, the study used the Sequential Explanatory Design. This mixed method suggests gathering and evaluating the quantitative data and qualitative data in two consecutive phases. The data-gathering tools used in the study included the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) to measure the depression level of the participants; a Semi-structured interview and a focus group discussion were conducted to provide the data needed for the qualitative phase. A pretest of the BDI-II was administered to the participants. Results showed that the participants were found to have depression during the time of the administration of the test. The BDI’s results provided the formation of the experimental and the control groups while the individual &nbsp;interview and focus group discussion provided the themes used in the development of the intervention program. These themes were categorized based on Physical Violence, Psychological Violence, Sexual Violence, and Neglect according to the Diagnostic Manual for Mental Disorders 5 (DSM5-TR). The experimental group participated in the eight-session intervention program and the control group did not participate in the sessions. Subsequently, a posttest was administered to the experimental and the control groups. Results showed that the six experimental group participants decreased their depression level significantly, except for one participant who got a four-point increase in her posttest score. There was no significant difference in the pretest and post-test scores of the control group.</p> Sr. Bless, Maria Claudette Agnes, PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Sr. Bless, Maria Claudette Agnes, PhD Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000